Should my elderly parent, in a nursing home, sell her house?

One of the most common questions surrounding estate planning for the elderly is what to do with their home and other assets after one or both have entered a nursing home. The children of elderly parents are constantly asking estate planning attorneys in Massachusetts if their parent’s home and assets are protected when the parent…

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Elder Care and Consideration

The process of watching elderly parents age before your eyes is an emotional and challenging experience and for members of the “sandwich” generation, a duty to balance the care for their children and their parents can be a difficult job.  This responsibility can be escalated if there are serious health or financial issues involved.  The…

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Massachusetts Business Succession Planning

What to do when the family has not talked about the future of the family business?  Many closely held family businesses have begun to use mediators when planning how the business will be passed down to future generations.  This is a process that can help to resolve issues that arise when passing on a business. …

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Federal Estate and Gift Tax Changes

The tax legislation enacted in late 2010 has five significant components: 1)      The federal estate tax exemption for individuals dying in 2011 and 2012, is $5 million with a federal estate tax rate of 35%.  Beneficiaries  who receive assets from individuals dying in 2011 and 2012 will receive a ‘step up” in bases to the…

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Standby Guardianship of Minor Children

Every parent, for their own peace of mind, should have a standby guardianship in place ready to be used if the situation occurs where neither parent is available to care for the minor children.

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